pipの使い方 yamlのインストール

[/opt/local/bin] # ls

build/ easy_install* easy_install-3.2* pip* pip-3.2*

[/opt/local/bin] # python pip help


--version show program's version number and exit
-h, --help Show help
-v, --verbose Give more output
-q, --quiet Give less output
--log=FILENAME Log file where a complete (maximum verbosity) record
will be kept
--proxy=PROXY Specify a proxy in the form
user:passwd@proxy.server:port. Note that the
user:password@ is optional and required only if you
are behind an authenticated proxy. If you provide
user@proxy.server:port then you will be prompted for a
--timeout=SECONDS, --default-timeout=SECONDS
Set the socket timeout (default 15 seconds)
Default action when a path already exists.Use this
option more then one time to specify another action if
a certain option is not available, choices: (s)witch,
(i)gnore, (w)ipe, (b)ackup

Commands available:
bundle: Create pybundles (archives containing multiple packages)
freeze: Output all currently installed packages (exact versions) to stdout
help: Show available commands
install: Install packages
search: Search PyPI
uninstall: Uninstall packages
unzip: Unzip individual packages
zip: Zip individual packages

[/opt/local/bin] # python pip search yaml

tablib - Format agnostic tabular data library (XLS, JSON, YAML, CSV)
magma - MAGnet MAnifest Management - Readout and create lists of magnets in yaml format.
bootalchemy - A package to create database entries from yaml using sqlalchemy.
PyYAML - YAML parser and emitter for Python
Yaco - Yaco provides a 'dict' like object that can be saved to disk as a YAML file. Yaco can be used to store program configuration
and make the configuration data easily accessible. Keys of a Yaco object can be accessed both as regular dict keys
(`a['key']`) or as attributes (`a.key`). Lower level dictionaries are automatically converted to Yaco objects allowing similar
access (`a.key.subkey`). Lists are (recursively) parsed and dictionaries in list are converted to Yaco objects allowing access
allong the lines of `a.key[3].subkey`.
repoze.configuration - A configuration system using YAML and entry points
pytyp - Pythonic type metadata; declarative JSON and YAML transcoding.
yamlish - Python implementation of YAMLish
pytest-yamlwsgi - Run tests against wsgi apps defined in yaml
django-yamlfield - A Django database field for storing YAML data
pw - Grep GPG-encrypted YAML password safe.
yafowil.yaml - YAFOWIL - YAML parser for widget trees.
dubbel - ConfigParser/YAML hybrid
yamlconfig - YAML configuration file reader with basic variable interpolation.
YAMLTrak - YAMLTrak ('yt is on top of hg'), the issue tracker that uses mercurial as a database
FileCatalog - Tools to create, view and transform hierachical YAML representations of directory structures.
Flask-YAMLConfig - YAML configurator for Flask app.
PySyck - Python bindings for the Syck YAML parser and emitter
yamjam - A multi-project, shared, yaml based configuration system
yml2tex - yml2tex is a simple python script which generates LaTeX Beamer code out of YAML files.
ultraconfig - A profile based YAML configuration library
foodlist - Python tool to convert YAML shopping list into different formats
PyWaPa - Python WhAtever Parser is a python markup converter from xml, json, yaml and ini to python dictionary. It allows also
conversion between markup languages.
tiddlywebplugins.yaml - TiddlyWeb YAML Serializer
nbt2yaml - Read and write Minecraft NBT files using Yaml.
DescribedRoutes - Dynamic, framework-neutral metadata describing path/URI structures natively in Python and through JSON and YAML
Gelatin - Transform text files to XML, JSON, or YAML
simpleyaml - YAML parser and emitter for Python
jsync - JSYNC is JSON plus YAML
isityaml - A Django app for checking YAML
PyWaPa-3k - Python WhAtever Parser is a python markup converter from xml, json, yaml and ini to python dictionary. It allows also
conversion between markup languages. Python 3 compatible version.
Yamlog - Logging in YAML format
cement2.ext.yaml - YAML Framework Extension for Cement2
rosendale.yaml - Yaml Output Handler Plugin for Applications Built on Cement
h5config - Conveniently save and load config-options from HDF5 and YAML files.
pysetup-yaml2json - A command for pysetup to convert yaml files to json

[/opt/local/bin] # python pip freeze


[/opt/local/bin] # python pip install PyYAML

Downloading/unpacking PyYAML
Real name of requirement PyYAML is PyYAML
Downloading PyYAML-3.10.zip (364Kb): 364Kb downloaded
Running setup.py egg_info for package PyYAML

Installing collected packages: PyYAML
Running setup.py install for PyYAML
checking if libyaml is compilable
/home/slug/optware/cs08q1armel/toolchain/arm-2008q1/bin/arm-none-linux-gnueabi-gcc -fno-strict-aliasing -DNDEBUG -g -O3 -Wall -Wstrict-prototypes -fPIC -I/opt/include/python3.2m -c build/temp.linux-armv5tel-3.2/check_libyaml.c -o build/temp.linux-armv5tel-3.2/check_libyaml.o

libyaml is not found or a compiler error: forcing --without-libyaml
(if libyaml is installed correctly, you may need to
specify the option --include-dirs or uncomment and
modify the parameter include_dirs in setup.cfg)

Successfully installed PyYAML
Cleaning up...

pipの使い方 - そこはかとなく書くよ。